All Graphic Design by Rio Rocket
The Self-Confidence Formula
a feeling of trust and security in yourself and your abilities, qualities, and judgment. (Source)
synonyms: morale, confidence, self-assurance, assurance, assertiveness, self-reliance, self-possession, composure
During college I recall reading in my Psychology 101 book about behavior models and what determines the level of confidence a person has in any given situation. I was always fascinated by the varying levels of confidence people have depending upon the situation they’re in. I wanted to know why someone could have so much self-confidence with one thing but very little in another. What’s the reason for this inconsistency? Why do some people have more confidence than others?
One thing that’s for certain is no one person has 100% self-confidence in every situation they encounter but knowing what gives us confidence at the peak of our performance can definitely help us improve in those areas where we are lacking in confidence.
If only there were some type of formula.
Well there is. Buried in a book I read in May of 2006, The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill, published in 1928, is an amazing five-point confidence formula for unbreakable self-confidence that I have annotated and explain here in everyday language.
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The 5 Ingredients to Self-Confidence
I will sign my name to this formula for self-confidence and success, and verbally speak it into existence daily with unbending confidence that my actions will progressively become influenced by it and I will attain the object of my definite purpose, the person I intend to be.
Signed ..............................................................